New health metrics to guide District 99 to in-person learning

Photo from District 99

DETERMINING FACTORS: this chart signifies what factors determine the status of the COVID-19 problem in the community. The bolded items represent the current metrics for DuPage county.

Amelia Carlson, Editor-in-Chief

On August 28, the DuPage County Health Department released new guidance metrics in regards to how schools will begin to open and return to in-person learning. The guidelines are in response to the Illinois Department of Public Health metrics. 

The new guidance, titled the Return-to-School Framework, is split up into three sections: Minimal Community Transmission, Moderate Community Transmission, and Substantial Community Transmission.

Minimal Community Transmission encourages in-person learning with social distancing regulations in place.

Moderate Community Transmission approves for some students to partake in remote learning and some participating with in-person learning. DuPage county is currently in the “Moderate/Orange” level.

Substantial Community Transmission encourages 100% remote-learning.

Requirements to fully return to in-person learning correspond with the Restore Illinois Plan, set by Governor J.B Pritzker on May 5. Requirements include an uptake of an efficient vaccine against Covid-19 and no new cases over a sustained period of time.

“Our goal continues to be to return students to our schools as much as possible for in-person learning if it is safe to do so,” Superintendent Hank Thiele said, “I greatly appreciate anything that you can do in the community to help move these metrics in a positive direction including wearing face coverings, watching your distance, and washing your hands.”