Recognizing everyone at spotlight assembly

FINAL WORDS: 2022 graduate Nathan Nutt speaks at last year’s honors convocation assembly.

Maggie Fleming, Opinion Editor

Come May 16, DGN will break an annual tradition known as the convocation assembly. Convocation was previously held during second period as a way to honor the senior class and their accomplishments. Now, the Spotlight assembly will be held after eighth period on the seniors’ last day to recognize them but also involve the whole school. 

“It’s upbeat, things move quickly, it’s also not just focusing on seniors, it’s identifying other things throughout the year to celebrate. Of course we want to celebrate the seniors and their four years, but we also want to use this as a celebration of the year and highlight other things that took place,” Student Activities Director Mark Mirandola said. 

The assembly will happen in the purple gym with a display of lights and sounds. Along with this, short videos will be dispersed throughout the assembly highlighting activities that occurred during the year to thank students and staff. 

“There will be an opening countdown with some clips of various activities throughout the year. It will be a variety of clips and photos from sports, activities, and fine arts,” English teacher John Waite said. 

Aside from numerous visual displays, there will be four emcee’s, or hosts, leading the assembly. Seniors Finn McTigue and Tyler Werner and Juniors Maeve Costello and Sarah Paul will deliver recognitions and awards.

“There will be groups that come up and there will be a spotlight on them. We’ll have athletics, different activities like journalism and DECA, some different fine arts recognitions and academic awards, stuff like that. We’ll also do retirees and recognize students going to the military,” Mirandola said. 

Many of the core aspects of the original convocation assembly such as  the recognitions and awards remain in the Spotlight assembly. However, many staff members and various students agreed the previous convocation tradition could use a revamp. 

“With covid, I think it’s given high schools a chance to really evaluate traditions and things we’ve always done and figure out if it’s something we want to continue doing or consider how we can rebrand something to really enhance the student culture and experience,” Special Services teacher Meghan Gilbert said.