Students voice opinions on wearing pajamas to school

Adam Yeo, A&E Editor

Pajama days have been a classic school tradition for years not just at DGN, but all around. That said, it seems more students have come to school wearing pajamas whenever they please. While most teachers don’t seem to care about their student’s wardrobe choices, some are worried that coming to school in PJs affects their students’ readiness to learn.

“When I started here you [as a teacher] couldn’t wear jeans on a Friday, or a department chair would pull aside and let you know that we don’t do that here,” math teacher Timothy McDonald said. “[So], you never would’ve caught me wearing gym shoes 10 years ago.” 

It seems that over time, wardrobe standards have evolved with each generation. People tend to look down on this, but many argue that more self-expression isn’t a terrible thing.

“I never wear them to school just because it’s a little too casual for my taste, but I’m not opposed to it. If you think about it, it’s just a pair of pants,” junior Sean Hill said.

In previous years, students have tended to dress for status, trying to select the most popular brands and putting it all together in a presentable fashion. Nowadays, many kids have adopted the idea of using their wardrobe as an expression of how they really feel.

“I think [wearing pajamas] makes learning easier. If you’re comfortable, then it’s way easier to focus.” senior Cooper George said. “A long time ago, people used to just wear robes, so I think PJ bottoms are a step up from that.”

It can be difficult to find a balance between comfort and focus when it comes to this sort of thing, but some students think the two are unrelated.

“I wear pajamas to school sometimes and it never really affects my peers or me because, in reality, it’s just a piece of clothing.” freshman Zach Baker said. Many students see it no differently than coming to school in a pair of sweatpants; to them, it is a warm, comfortable option that comes into play more as it gets colder outside.

The idea that pajama bottoms could affect one’s academic performance seems foreign to some students. 

“Coming to school in PJs won’t affect you psychologically unless you let it. The way you dress doesn’t really affect your work ethic,” junior Kate Goray said. 

Some teachers agree that wearing pajamas doesn’t damage  students’ learning experience. 

“If one of my student’s gave a presentation in pajamas, I wouldn’t be thrilled about it, but outside of something like that I don’t really see the harm,” McDonald said.

Over the years, fashion standards have changed. What was once seen as a failure to get out of bed in the morning is now recognized as simply something people wear. Neither side is incorrect, but the underlying truth about learning is that it can’t be done by wearing the right clothes. Learning is an attitude, and when students apply themselves, no one knows how much they can accomplish.