Staff Editorial: Red Ribbon speaker wins over student body

Motivational speaker Eddie Slowikowski fired up the crowd last Wednesday. Slowikowski, an energetic individual, discussed pivotal moments in his life that shaped him into the man he is today, using his experience, knowledge, and dance moves to get his message across.

The anecdotes of his life kept students off their phones and examined the massive roller coaster we ride on through the human condition. Throughout all his ups and downs, Slowikowski ensures us that there are good times ahead and how it is important for everyone to love and care for eachother.

Apart from his striking dance moves, students seemed intrigued about the subject matter. The activities he used throughout (the three questions and closing your eyes) had everyone paying attention to the important message he shared with the student body.

The staff believes the presentation from Chris Herren, last years presenter, captivated the eyes of students in a more personal way. Although Slowikowski discussed issues regarding our health and lifestyle, Herren provided us with real-life experience with drug abuse that students will remember for the rest of their lives, and thus encourage administration to bring him back.

At the end of the assembly, Slowikowski ended his presentation with the beautiful story of Dylan, a boy with autism who was a casualty of the Sandy Hook shooting. This story concluded his message regarding the pursuit of happiness, and the steps all of us can take to achieve it.