What can be expected during DGN’s first homecoming after the pandemic
October 18, 2021
This week marks DGN’s first homecoming week since the COVID-19 pandemic. While many schools in surrounding areas aren’t fully celebrating homecoming, DGN’s got big plans.
The Dance:
This year, like many other Illinois high schools, DGN is opting to hold its homecoming dance outdoors to prevent the spread of COVID-19 while changing as little as possible to the structure of the celebration. This year’s dance will begin at 6:00 pm and go until 9:00 pm. Like always, the homecoming dance will be complete with a DJ, decorations, and an assortment of snacks. In addition, due to the dance’s outdoor location, Mirandola decided to incorporate a fireworks show into the dance’s festivities.
“When I try to do things I want it to be a huge experience. I think because I’m competitive, I want our student experience to be better than every other student experience at any other school,” Mirandola said.
The fireworks show will occur around 8:30 pm, about three-quarters into the dance.
The Assembly:
The annual homecoming assembly will be held on Carsten’s Field; with the increase in assembly venue, administrators are concerned with student engagement during the assembly. However, Director of Student Activities Mark Mirandolda has a plan to combat the potential lack of enthusiasm.
“We need to keep this [assembly] looking like the MTV Video Music Awards,” Mirandola said, “It’s always super high energy. When something ends, something else is beginning, so you never have downtime where people get bored,”
While the structure of the assembly may be different, students can look forward to performances from the drumline, and possibly, stand-out acts from the Variety Show.
Other Activities:
While the pandemic took last year’s homecoming football game, dance, in-person variety show, and pep assembly, new traditions have emerged from the change. The drive-in movie and downtown Downers Grove scavenger hunt will occur again this year, as well as the student council’s annual ice cream social and the homecoming Variety Show.