While the holiday season is most often associated with Christmas festivities, many students celebrate the holiday Hanukkah as well – some even celebrate both.
Hanukkah is celebrated for eight days by those who are Jewish. Every night of the celebration, a candle is lit on the menorah, and some families give small gifts.
Senior Leila Frankfater has grown up with her mom’s side being Christian and her dad’s side being Jewish. When it comes to the holiday season, both sides of her faith are intermixed, making her holiday season extra special.
“I started going to Hebrew school when I was in kindergarten, and I went to Hebrew school up until I was in fifth grade,” Frankfater said.
Frankfater felt very in touch with her Jewish heritage growing up. But when the winter holidays came around, she really embraced her Christian heritage too.
“Christmas was a time I really connected to the Christian side of my family,” Frankfater said.
She has very fond memories from her childhood of Christmas time due to how festive her family got with both holidays.
“We never had stockings growing up because we got eight gifts for Hanukkah, one every day, and then we would do gifts for Christmas. Christmas actually overtook my house, everywhere was decorated for Christmas,” Frankfater said.
Similarly, senior Mara Neil celebrates both Hanukkah and Christmas during the holiday season. Even if her parents celebrated different holidays of two different religions, being able to connect with both sides of the family is something Neil and her family prioritize greatly.
“We celebrate both holidays to connect to both sides of my family and carry on those traditions,” Neil said. “As my dad grew up Jewish celebrating Hanukkah and my mom was Catholic celebrating Christmas, we celebrate both holidays and try to continue both of their family’s traditions.”
Even if these holidays aren’t from the same backgrounds, the values held in these holiday celebrations are the same. Past any of these differences, relishing in experiences with both sides of the family is what Neil enjoys during the holiday season.
“Both holidays just really allow me to spend quality time with my family, whether it be lighting the menorah together or decorating the tree,” Neil said. “I’m extremely grateful to be a part of two beautiful cultures and sets of traditions.”