Women’s History Month: Claire Meyers’ art
“Broken and Exposed”: “My favorite pieces I’ve made are ‘Broken’ because I was going through a rough patch and it gave me an outlet for my emotions,” Meyers said.
April 19, 2022
“I love working with the human body because there are so many emotions that can be linked to it. Also, creating art picturing women lets me relate myself to it,” senior Claire Meyers said.
Artist Claire Meyers often draws inspiration from the female anatomy, appropriate for women’s history month. She continues to push boundaries of making art, meaningful to both herself and others. For her AP portfolio this year, her theme is “exposed anatomy”, where she will attach emotions to different anatomical parts.
Meyer loves all different styles and types of art which convey emotion which she is using now when creating a new project. She takes inspiration from Frida Kahlo from the way she pours her emotion into her works.
“I am currently working on a piece where there will be three positions the piece can be shown in, the first is a body, the second shows the muscles, and the third will show the nervous system,” Meyers said.
Art teacher Robyn Bican has helped guide Meyers by formulating her ideas into reality.
“I have always liked how Claire produces multiple works of the human body. She is very interested in anatomy and she has found creative ways to produce works of art on paper or in 3-D,” Bican said. “It shows her passion for the human form.”
Meyers has taken Drawing and Painting 1, 2, 3, and AP Studio and Jewelry and Metalwork 1, 2, and AP Studio classes at DGN over the past four years. Through the years of growth, Bican has seen Meyer’s work progress.
“She takes risks with materials, ideas, and she never gives up. When one work of art is finished another one is already started. She is always thinking about how she can take her ideas and make them better with the use of different materials and mixed media,” Bican said.
From wishing for art supplies every year for her birthday since she was young to planning on studying art education at college next year, Meyers has matured her art.

“I think I’ve definitely progressed through highschool. This year, I had the most freedom to do what I’d like artistically, so I think that definitely helped a lot,” Meyers said. “I really came out of my artistic shell when I got to high school, though.”
Bican supports Meyers’ decision to major in art for her future career.
“I am thrilled that she wants to continue in the arts field. Her talent would be wasted if she were to do anything else,” Bican said. “There are so many jobs to pursue in the arts and as long as she has a passion for the arts she will never go wrong pursuing a career in it.”
Meyers has won various awards this year, including several awards at the Scholastic Arts and writing competition. Recently, she was picked to display her art at the Illinois High School Art Exhibition for her senior portfolio.
“I recently submitted my portfolio to IHSAE (Illinois Highschool Art Exhibition) and received scholarships from it. The actual show is this month and my metalwork piece ‘Caged In’ is being featured,” Meyers said.
To Meyers, it starts with the choice to enroll, even if you aren’t necessarily skilled in art.
“I would definitely recommend taking at least a low level art course, even if you’re not super interested in it, because the environment in an art class is always the best!” Meyers said.