Bull’s Board Corner: April 19
CONTACT TRACING: a slide from Dr. Theile’s presentation, outlining the sharp increase in number of asymptomatic close contacts in the last two weeks.
April 20, 2021
Hey, students. This is a series of news updates by me, Omega Editor-in-Chief and District 99 Board of Education Student Representative Sam Bull, that is designed to inform you, the DGN student body, of the most relevant changes, decisions, and updates from the most recent Board of Education meeting. In other words: this is exactly what you need to know from every Board meeting.
Another quick meeting tonight mainly consisted of the approval of various financial-related items by the Board. Here’s what you need to know:
2020-21 School Year Update:
Superintendent Hank Thiele stated that contact tracing continues to be a “major effort,” and stressed that the rules are out of the Board’s hands (the IDPH set the guidelines for contact tracing). In the last two weeks, about 400 students across District 99 have been quarantined due to falling into the “asymptomatic close contact” category.
Summer School Costs/Tuition Update:
The Board approved an administrative recommendation to waive all summer school tuition costs for in-district students for the upcoming semester, which will therefore be covered by grant funds. The out-of-district tuition remains $420 per semester.