In their junior and senior years, students have the opportunity to choose social studies electives on a variety of disciplines, ranging from Ancient & Medieval History to Contemporary American Issues. Although students simply choose these classes based on their interests, there is a clear divide between the gender demographics of these classes: boys dominate classes like economics and foreign policy, while girls gravitate toward sociology and anthropology. Though unspoken, this separation is difficult to ignore and reflects a broader issue of gender inequality that needs to be addressed.
As someone who has experienced this divide firsthand, I can attest to how harmful this split is. I am one of three girls in an AP Microeconomics class filled with future finance bros who all hold very similar positions on our economic policy. Though holding these viewpoints is not inherently bad, it creates a homogeneous classroom that limits thoughtful discussion and isolates students who feel differently. This same issue can arise in many other social studies classes such as US Foreign Policy and Sociology of Gender where political and ideological discussion are crucial. When a classroom is dominated by one gender, it is often dominated by one ideology as well. Diversity promotes learning, and many classrooms are suffering because of their lack of diverse student perspectives.
Besides the immediate impact in classrooms, the gendered division of social studies classes also risks long-term consequences. The separation within these classes is primarily influenced by interests enforced by gender norms. Girls are often discouraged from pursuing more analytic or math-based subjects despite studies proving time and time again that they perform just as well as boys. At the same time, boys are less encouraged to engage in open discussion about gender and culture, despite being fully capable of doing so. There are many disciplines just like these subjects that are important for students to learn about, regardless of gender. The inequality in how boys and girls are taught about these subjects will affect their career fields and their understanding of important societal issues that affect everyone.
The gender divide in social studies courses is more than an academic issue, and it needs to be addressed. We should be equally encouraging all students to pursue a variety of disciplines and be more conscious of the potential impact of class demographics. If we want a future where both men and women have equal influence in shaping society for the better, we need to start by dismantling these unwritten rules and educational divisions.